Home Group Questions Week Seven
**1. Our series on healing has really highlighted our need to be able to sense what * *Jesus* is saying and doing (spiritual senses) in any given moment.**
- In the past few weeks do you feel like your ability to sense what Jesus is saying and doing as grown?
- If yes, how has it grown?
- If no, what do you think we can do to grow our spiritual senses?
- How does sensing what Jesus is saying and doing simplify how we pray for people?
- Personally, do you feel more comfortable praying for healing or sharing the gospel? How can healing empower evangelism?
***( * ) or interchangeably the Father, or the Holy Spirit, as the three are one.***
**2. Our ability to sense what Jesus is saying and doing is foundational for participating in the Kingdom of God on earth. It enables and empowers us for every good work.**
- How can seeing what Jesus is saying and doing become part of our everyday life?
- How can seeing what Jesus is saying and doing simplify evangelism?
- How do our spiritual senses empower and enable us in all kinds of spiritual warfare?
**3. What is one practice that has helped you grow your spiritual senses?**
**4. What is a healthy practice to keep us awake and aware of what Jesus is saying and doing?**
1. Does anyone have a testimony of a healing or a miracle to share?
2. Take time to pray for each other for growth in your spiritual senses.
3. Take time to listen and watch for what we feel Jesus is saying and doing in this moment right now.