Four simple steps to build a real connection

Your first step is letting us know you're here and are interested in learning more!
Step two, we'd like to personally meet you, get to know you, and share about who we are.

Step three, fill out our get connected form to attend or serve in a Gateway ministry.

Step four, find out how to get involved at Gateway by serving and becoming a partner.

What is Partnership at Gateway?

Please click the "why partnership?" link to read about the heart of partnership from Pastor Landen Dorsch. 

If you are interested in attending a class about partnership at Gateway, click the link below to register for our Gateway 101 Class!


Have you recently accepted Jesus as your Lord and Saviour or you have been a Christian
for awhile and you are wondering what baptism is all about? Baptism is a public declaration of your decision to follow Jesus! It is such a simple yet powerful step in your journey with Jesus!

In regards to children being baptized, we have some systems in place to ensure
that kids have an understanding of what baptism is, and are not getting baptized out of the excitement of the moment. For this reason, we will not be baptizing children under the age of 13 spontaneously during a baptism service. Their act of obedience will be to immediately sign up for the next baptism class. If a child/youth 13-18 years old desires to be baptized in the moment during a baptism service, we will ask that they receive parental permission before they go into the baptismal tank.
Pre-register below for our next baptism service!

Baby Dedication

We believe that everyone is meant to belong to a church family, so once you have decided that Gateway is your home, you are ready to dedicate your child here!

A baby dedication service is not a baptism service. It is about parents dedicating themselves to raise their child in a Christian home where their children can discover truth, encounter love, and one day make a decision to serve God for themselves.

Parents who bring their children for dedication, by the very act, signify their faith in the Christian way of life and their determination as parents to live out Godly examples of their faith for their children to see.

A few times a year, we have a shared family Baby Dedication Service, and we host a Baby Dedication Class to help families see what a dedication service at Gateway is all about. All parents wishing to take part in a dedication service must attend the Baby Dedication Class.

Sign up here to pre-register!