Fasting Encouragement Day Ten
Fasting Encouragement Day Ten:
My friends, we are so close! May the Lord continue to bless you for your faithfulness and perseverance. May He surround you with His peace and fill you with the empowering grace of Christ. May you feel His nearness and see the kindness in His eyes.
Romans 13
Romans 13 can be split into two sections; the first, addressing the church’s need to submit to the governmental authorities, and second, reminding them that love is what ultimately fulfills all other commands (ie. the law). However, we must remind ourselves that it is through the lens of “presenting our bodies as living sacrifices” that this chapter was written and is to be viewed: ultimately, Paul is calling the churches of Rome to that, to selflessness, to sacrifice. This chapter is a continuation of the admonition of “chapter 12”; we must remember that in the original text, there were no chapters, no verses, no punctuation. It flowed together seamlessly, thus this theme continues on. This section is simply Paul continuing to list ways in which we can do just that: live in sacrifice, as Jesus did.
The first bit of this chapter is dedicated to submission to government; in light of the variety of opinions surrounding our current state of living, our government, and the season we’re in as a country, I’ll simply say this: in Soul Care, Rob discusses the importance of forgiveness. We heard collectively on Sunday the importance of praying for those whom you’re struggling to forgive, thus allowing the Lord to change your heart towards them. Whatever your opinions, I’d encourage you to pause for a moment and pray a blessing over our leaders. Pray for Premier Kenny, for Justin Trudeau, for Deena Hinshaw—pray for them in a way that you would like to be prayed for. Allow the Lord to give you His eyes to see.
The second bit of chapter 13 calls it all back to love. There is a brief reference to the 10 commandments (Exodus 20; Deuteronomy 5) as the law, followed by a reference to the greatest commandment (Deuteronomy 6:4; Matthew 22: 36-40) that is to fulfill the law: love.
I am reminded, classically, of 1 Corinthians 13. The beginning verses can be summarized in this: everything I do is useless if it’s not in love. In light of Romans, I must present myself as a living sacrifice OF LOVE.
The final verses of Romans 13 remind us that the early church was always looking up, to Jesus, with His imminent return in mind. Paul encourages the believers to “put on the armour of light” (Romans 13:12), and later, to “put on the Lord Jesus Christ” (Romans 13:14). My friends, in this season, let us do just that: clothe ourselves with Jesus, who is love, and present ourselves as living sacrifices of love.
I’d encourage you to take a moment and ask the Lord two things: to reveal sacrificial love to you on a new level, and how he would like you to love sacrificially today.
My friends, be encouraged. You are doing so well. You are pressing in and the Lord always honours sacrifice. Be Blessed!