Classroom Changes

Jan 7, 2024

Happy New Year Gateway families! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas break! 

As we look ahead with anticipation to the New Year we feel the Lord inviting us to “prepare for growth”. In the past year, Kids Ministry has grown by 20% and is continuing along that trajectory. This is incredibly exciting! We are blessed to be a part of growing, healthy church! 

However, growth is also something that needs to be prepared for and stewarded. Which is why we will be making some adjustments to our classrooms. Our hope is that these changes will help us better utilize our facilities and ensure welcoming classroom environments for all our Gateway Kids. 

Starting Sunday, January 7th we will offer the following programs:

Nursery - age 6 months to 2 years (inclusive)

Preschool - age 3 and 4 years 

Lower Elementary - age 5 to Gr 2

Upper Elementary - Gr 3 to Gr 5 

Note: Both Nursery and Preschool children will transition to the next class as they come of age. Lower and Upper Elementary children with transition to the next grade every September (following the school calendar). 

Please, find attached the classroom map which includes the classroom breakdown in addition to drop off and pick up locations. (Not to worry, there is plenty of signage posted for Sunday!)

We appreciate your patience and cooperation as we settle into this new routine. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to connect with me!

[email protected]