Fasting Encouragement Day Four
Has anyone experienced intense frustration as a result of something not going your way? I have someone in my life, who I deeply love, that when he gets an idea into his head, it is very challenging to convince him otherwise. If I’m going to be honest, sometimes it drives me absolutely crazy - I mean, I know you were planning on going home straight from work, but can’t you just drive me to get my favourite ice cream on New Years’ Eve? It will take ten minutes of your time, and it’s too cold and far to walk. Why do you have to be so rude!?
There has to be someone who can relate.
But in all seriousness, it’s in the little things - like getting ice cream - where Holy Spirit graciously shines a light on things within that don’t look like Him. In this case, He revealed how self-focused I was being. I was not considering the person in front of me at all.
Today, we are looking at Philippians 2:1-11, and before you read any further, I invite you to read through the passage.
“…then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but to the interest of others.” Philippians 2:1-2; 3b-4
Unity. It must be important if just before being arrested, Jesus asked the Father to unify His disciples. In this passage, Paul exhorts us to be of the “same love, being one in Spirit and one mind.” I feel this desire of God’s heart so strongly in this season, because it is in unity that his heart is displayed in greater fullness to the world around us.
What is the key to protecting the unity of the church? It is imitating the humility of Christ.
Let’s gaze once again on the beauty of Jesus for a moment. The God, who created the world - who is life itself - did not use His deity to His own advantage. Rather, He dressed Himself in flesh and bone, willingly taking the position of a servant. His life was not taken from Him; he laid it down. Before the creation of the world, Jesus knew that He would experience a death that would mar Him beyond human likeness, and yet He still chose to come. And He did it all “to the glory of God the Father.”
In this world, we are like Jesus - it is in our new nature to be like Him. What would it look like if we truly honoured one another above ourselves? If we laid our lives down before someone had the chance to take it from us. During this time there are so many differing opinions, and it is very easy to give division a foothold, but we can’t afford to let that happen. Now is our time to arise and shine, and we must lean into humility and just like Jesus serve one another in love.
My challenge to you today is to invite Holy Spirit to search your heart. Invite Him to show you areas where you’ve put yourself ahead of others or been motivated by selfish ambitions. Repent of what He reveals to you and ask Him to fill your heart with His love for the Church.