Fasting Encouragement Day Ten
Hey Family! Today we will be taking a look at Philippians 4:8-9. Take a few moments to look over it and invite Holy Spirit to speak to you before reading further.
“What are you feeding yourself?"
Every once in a while I hear Holy Spirit gently whisper this question to my own spirit. It comes as I’m looking through Instagram or Facebook, watching videos on YouTube, or reading news articles. It’s not food He’s referring to, rather the words and pictures I allow my mind to read, my ears to hear and eyes to see. Don’t get me wrong, I have a sensitive spirit so I am quite careful about what I expose myself to. The problem is that there can be lies hidden in what may seem innocent, and truth twisted so subtly that it still appears to be true.
In moments when I have disregarded the warning, things which should hold little significance to my existence - like my body image - became a source of anxiety. Opinions of people that were far from what God says in His Word, hung over my head like a dark cloud of fear and hopelessness.
My question for you today is “what are you feeding yourself?”
When Paul wrote this letter, the Philippians were experiencing persecution. He knew that if they focused on their circumstances, their hearts and minds would be consumed with fear and anxiety. He also knew that if they meditated on whatever was true, noble, lovely, admirable, right and pure, they would experience the peace of God in greater measure. If they feasted on the beauty of who God is and what He was doing, they would experience life in their spirits. I imagine he was speaking from experience because of the many trials he experienced as an ambassador of Christ.
What exactly are “these things” that Paul lists? They can be described in this way:
True: Anything that lines up with the word of God
Noble: Anything that is worthy of respect
Right (or Just): Things that conform to God’s standards
Pure: Free from the taint of sin
Lovely: Virtues that make believers attractive
Admirable: Worthy of praise or well reported of
Choosing to focus only on these things isn’t hiding our heads in the sand. Rather, it is living from the heavenly place in which we are seated with Christ.
So, what have you been feeding yourself? What have you been meditating on lately? Is it bringing you peace? If not, put it before the Lord and ask him to replace the negative thought with one that is true, noble, right, pure, lovely and admirable. When you do, the peace of God will consume your heart and mind - it’s a promise.
Grace & Peace,
Pastor Hayley