Corporate Fast Encouragement- DAY TEN
Our Scripture today is 1 Corinthians 12:1-11.
Several chapters in the Bible list spiritual gifts, including 1 Corinthians 12 (which we will focus on), Romans 12:6-8, and Ephesians 4:11-13. Before listing some of the gifts, Paul states in verse 7, "To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good." Have you ever considered the Old Testament verses that mention manifestations of God? Here are a few to ponder (and there are many more): Moses at the burning bush (Exodus 3:2), the pillar of fire and cloud (Exodus 13:21), the glory of God filling the Tabernacle (Exodus 40:34), and the parting of the Red Sea (Exodus 14:21). These manifestations are known as theophanies, which reveal God's power, holiness, and covenantal love for His people.
Have you ever considered that spiritual gifts can also be viewed as theophanies? Your gifts are given by God to display His power, holiness, and love. He desires to show Himself through His sons and daughters. It is crucial to understand our identity in Him (our union with Him) and to trust that He has uniquely created us to manifest His presence through these gifts. There is also more than one gift He gives. He is a God who gives generously. If you are gifted with wisdom (insight, perception), share His wisdom through you with others or through the other gifts He’s given you! If you have the gift of knowledge, how are you blessing those who wish to learn God's Word? Are you particularly gifted with faith? Encourage others in Christ who may need a boost of the Truth! If you have the gift of healing, how are you positioning yourself to pray for miracles? If you have a prophetic gift, speaking God's power, love, and might into a situation or person brings His life! If you have the gift of discernment, you can quickly assess a Spiritual atmosphere and whether it is from God. If you possess the gift of tongues, allow God to provide an interpreter so that His Living Word can be shared.
As we conclude today's encouragement, here are some final thoughts. First, we can sometimes fall into the trap of comparing our gifts with those of others. Our flesh can foster self-doubt and negativity when we see someone else excelling. Throughout our previous encouragements, we’ve emphasized being empowered through God's Spirit. Allow Him to empower you to discover and express your unique gifts instead of doubting them. Celebrate the gifts in others instead of comparing yourself to them, as this is how God chooses to express Himself through you!
Secondly, we must view and utilize all of our gifts through the lens of love (1 Corinthians 13). This famous love chapter teaches that our actions should be motivated by agape love (unconditional love).
It is understandable why Paul wrote this section of Scripture to discuss spiritual gifts and worship. Spiritual gifts are a way for us to express our worship to God. As we are immersed in His love, we can manifest His gifts in such a remarkable way that others can see that our work is a reflection of God's influence.
Pastor Adina Walters
Gateway Family Church