Corporate Fast Encouragement- DAY EIGHT

Jan 20, 2025    Pastor Amy Ball

Day 8 Fasting Encouragement

Acts 9:20-31 Filled and Bold 

We jump into Saul’s story just after he has been blinded by the light of meeting Jesus on the road to Damascus. Annanias has just come to him to pray that he would be healed and “filled to overflowing with the Holy Spirit”. Immediately Saul is baptized and has dinner. His strength returns and “within the hour he in the synagogues preaching about Jesus and proclaiming, “Jesus is the Son of God!”

Our scripture focus today is Acts 4:31 “As they prayed the earth shook beneath them, causing the building they were in to tremble. Each one of them was filled with the Holy Spirit, and they proclaimed the Word of God with unrestrained boldness.”

Ok, so that’s super exciting. Isn’t that what we all want? Let’s revisit the verses just before. Acts 4:29-30 “So now, Lord, listen to their threats to harm us. Empower us as your servants, to speak the word of God freely and courageously. Stretch out your hand of power through us to heal, and to move in signs and wonders by the name of Your holy Son, Jesus!”

Much of Acts, and well, the whole Bible as a matter of fact, is filled with acts of power. Almost always, these miracles, signs and wonders are preceded with threats, impossibilities and severe danger. 


What do we do when we are faced with these things? What did the believers in Acts do?


They.     Didn’t.   Give.    Up

I want to let Holy Spirit speak to our hearts in this moment. 

The enemy wants to use the sneaky, sour, sharp toothed spirit of intimidation to silence the people of God. That’s what the religious leaders wanted to do to Peter and John and eventually Paul and all the Christ followers. Acts 4:18 “…and they commanded them to never teach the people or speak again using the name of Jesus.” 

Let us consider together. Have you been faced with any of the effects of intimidation lately? Intimidation tries to cause fear, insecurity, and people pleasing. It tries to silence people when they must speak up. It decreases confidence and causes procrastination, stagnation, imposter syndrome, and disobedience to God. 

Therefore, I say to you and to me, CALL OUT TO GOD! Wait on the Lord and renew your strength! We cannot do this in our own strength. Run to the Father. He longs to pour out His love on you and be everything you need.

Lord, WE NEED TO BE FILLED TO OVERFLOWING WITH YOUR HOLY SPIRIT! We cry out to you in desperation and absolutely depend on you to show yourself strong in and amongst us, for the sake of your kingdom, your power and your glory. Amen.