Corporate Fast Encouragement- DAY SIX
ACTS CHAPTER 4 -Nuggets for 2025
Throughout this entire chapter we are shown what can take place when one is filled with the Holy Spirit. Starting with vs. 4, in spite of the opposition from the military and high priests ”many of those who heard the message believed. And their number grew “ It was the Holy Spirit touching the hearts of the people,
Acts 4:7 & 8 - Sanhedrin (Religious Leaders) asked Peter,” by what power do you speak”?
Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, this is our challenge in 2025 “be filled”. Because Peter was filled he had the courage and words to speak out.
A crippled man was healed demonstrating the working power of the Holy Spirit. When the Holy Spirit manifests with signs and wonders no one can deny the miracles.
During this period of Advance if you need a refreshing, open yourself up to a fresh Baptism in the Holy Spirit and walk in expectation that you will see signs and wonders work through you.
Act 4:13 “-When they saw the boldness in Peter and John” .
These men were unschooled ordinary men and yet they ministered with authority because of the Holy Spirit working through them. When you receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit (or a fresh infilling) you will have a greater boldness in 2025.
Acts 4:20 - “For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard.” A fresh Baptism of the Holy Spirit will cause you to step out and give testimony, again you are given a Holy Ghost boldness and excitement to share in the richness that you have been given.
Acts 4:24 - They raised their voice “with one accord”. This is a VIVID example of the kind of spiritual unity and adoration of Christ that results in the lives of those who are lead by the Holy Spirit.
Act 4:30 Again this verse shows us that we can expect signs and wonders because we are given the authority and assurance that the power of the Holy Spirit will move through us.
Acts 4:31 - “And when they had prayed the place where they were assembled together was shaken and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and they spoke the Word of God with freedom and boldness.
Acs 4:32 - They were of one heart and one soul.
Bottomline - Unity and one accord is achieved by the ongoing reality of the need for the Holy Spirit. The flesh will become less as we seek the guiding of the Holy Spirit.
Make invitation that the Holy Spirit would come afresh on you so you can have an increased hunger to fulfil the destiny the Lord has for you.