Corporate Fast Encouragement- DAY FIVE
You have made it to day Five. Have you read todays scripture?
Paul journeyed to Ephesus he came across these believers. He asked these men “did you receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit?” “What Holy Spirit? “They answered, “we were baptized by John.” Paul explained John’s baptism was a baptism of repentance. John himself said “there was one coming after him, this is Jesus.” On hearing this they were baptized in the Lord Jesus. Paul laid hands on them and the Holy Spirit, came upon them. They spoke in tongues and began to prophecy over one another.
In this fast, as we set food, media, our mealtime hour, whatever it is, aside to posture our heart towards Him in intimacy, and lean into what He is saying to us. Don’t minimize the powerful gift that operates in your life, ask for increase!
Lord, baptize me a fresh with the infilling of your Holy Spirit, ask Him for new tongues.? ask Him to increase the amount of time you speak in tongues?
When Paul laid hands on them, they also prophesied over one another. Sometimes the word “prophesy” sounds a little scary, like that is for someone else. But Joel 2:28 says He has poured out His Spirit on all flesh. That means we can all do it! even our children!
As we go about our day let us ask the Lord, do you have an encouraging word for someone today? Go! Talk to them.
Thank you, Holy Spirit, for this wonderful gift, impart to your people more boldness, more power, in our lives, homes, and ministries.
May we come more alive in 2025! - Misty Phillips