Corporate Fast Encouragement- DAY FOUR
Good Morning - Day 4, well done! Today’s encouragement leads us to Acts 8:4-25; invite Holy Spirit to highlight a verse or section for you, give it a read, and then dive back in.
Friends, we find ourselves reading about “Simon the Sorcerer” - our villain in this story? Perhaps, although we may find a bit of ourselves in him before the day is done. Simon was a man used to power, to crowds, to being “the guy”. His position and maybe even reputation is challenged, however, when Phillip arrives on the scene and people are saved, healed, delivered, etc. by the power of Jesus. Later on, we read the Simon attempts to purchase God’s power, falling back into old habits and desires. Peter shares that Simon is “full of bitterness” - an interesting comment to note. This brings us to our point for today, further demonstrated in Galatians 3:2; I would like to learn just one thing from you: Did you receive the Spirit by the works of the law, or by believing what you heard?
The Holy Spirit cannot be earned - The Spirit is a free gift!
My friends, as Pastor Landen mentioned in Sunday’s message, our fast is important. It is good, and it is of God. But we are not fasting to earn a wage. The Holy Spirit is not given as payment. We are not purchasing an encounter with our acts. We are children of God. He is our Father and He is kind - the Spirit is given, and our fasting is for us, not for Him. What I mean is that fasting changes our posture and challenges our mindsets - it reveals our deep need for God and His deep desire (and ability) to fill that need. What is does NOT do is earn us “more” - remember, we have ALL of Holy Spirit. It is an important distinction to make. I am not earning more of God. I have been given everything I need for life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3) - fasting is helping to increase my awareness of His already active presence in my life. It is opening my spiritual eyes to see.
Take a moment to reflect on the following questions:
How am I like Simon the Sorcerer? Have I been trying to “earn” God’s presence in my life in a certain way?
Where have I believed the lie that God is not active in my life? Take a moment to replace this lie with the truth: it is impossible to pray and have God not respond. Jesus is always present and always doing something - even if I can’t see it, or it looks differently than I had imagined or desired.
How can I accept the free gift of the Spirit in my life on a daily basis?
Holy Spirit, thank you for your presence. Thank you that I do not have to earn your love, your power, or your friendship. I welcome you into my day - may my eyes be open to your movement, my ears open to your voice, and my will submitted to yours. I love you. Amen.
Peace be with you friends! I am praying for you all.
Pastor Cassie